Wednesday, March 4, 2009

6928 miles

I lost my passport and only discovered it Friday night, when I was supposed to leave Saturday morning. Just 6928 miles and a passport separate me from Leslie and Tokyo. It would be difficult to describe the 'missed connection' that I would have to post on Craigslist to sum up the emotional disconnect I've been having this week. I have started the process of getting my government issued identification back, which should all arrive within the next two months. That's put me up for Japan in...May! As Mr. Gartenberg told Mom, I'll get to look forward to it twice.

I've decided that, past my own irresponsibility for not checking on my passport a month ago, there is a reason for me not going to Japan this week. I'm convinced that there is some experience that I am supposed to have here, or not to have there, this week. I don't know if I'll be able to recognize it, or if it is one of those "butterfly effect" sort of moments that I will never be able to put my finger on, but I am convinced that it will happen.

That said, my Spring Break so far? Sleeping, working on GIS assignments for after the break, cleaning up from the frantic tearing apart of my apartment with Mike looking for said passport, getting lunch and spending time with Jaimie and the twin girls she nannies for, Thursday is craft night at An's, and on Friday, I'll be spending all day in "Mrs. Junior's" kindergarten classroom playing 'teacher's assistant assistant'. If anyone has any insight, or added ideas for what to do with my time, I'd love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love that I get a label.

    2. Yes, yes, yes. There's always a silver lining, and whether the bad happens in order to force us to see the good or things just happen, the good is still there and is worth finding. To be honest, a lot of the things I was hoping for us fell through, and I think we'll have more fun with more time in the summer. We can DO it! :D

    3. I love you. Lots. Lots lots.

    Oh, we should talk about the my-return-to-the-States thing again since our trial period is being pushed back. Do we want to settle on something or wait until July?
